Book Awards II Rules and Signup

10 months. 10 award winners.

The challenge for Book Awards II will be slightly different. First of all, it will last for 10 months instead of 12. Since we had over 100 participants last time, there wasn't room for everyone on the blog site due to blogger's limitation of only 100 contributors. Taking off those two months will allow me to clean up the site and set up the next challenge. On July 15th, I'll be deleting the participants from the first challenge UNLESS you've signed up for the new challenge. Your reviews won't be deleted, you just won't be able to post at the blog site anymore.


  1. Read 10 award winners from August 1, 2008 through June 1, 2009.

  2. You must have at least FIVE different awards in your ten titles.

  3. Overlaps with other challenges are permitted.

  4. You don't have to post your choices right away, and your list can change at any time.

  5. 'Award winners' is loosely defined; make the challenge fit your needs, keeping in mind Rule #2.

  6. SIGN UP using Mr. Linky below.

  7. Have fun reading!

Please use your SPECIFIC LINK to your post about the challenge if you're a blogger. If you don't have a blog, sign up with your name leaving the link field blank.

1. LizzySiddal
2. Amy(The Sleepy Reader)
3. Joy ("Thoughts of Joy...")
4. Laura (Musings)
5. Lezlie (Books 'N Border Collies
6. Suey
7. 3m
8. Becky (Becky's Book Reviews)
9. Carolyn
10. Holley T
11. raidergirl3
12. Vasilly
13. Tiny Librarian
14. Intergalactic Bookworm
15. Kim:page after page
16. Deborah Bloom
17. katrina (katrina's reads)
18. jessi
19. Debi
20. Jan (in Edmonds)
21. Teddy Rose
22. LisaG
23. Callista (SMS Book Reviews)
24. Samantha
25. Wendy (Caribousmom)
26. Tammy in FL
27. Beth
28. Darcie (Reading Derby)
29. Susan (You Can Never Have Too Many Books)
30. Kristen
31. Debbie
32. Redhead
33. Flo
34. jlshall (Joy's Blog)
35. Shauna
36. Juli (Can I Borrow Your Book?)
37. Jennifer
38. Fay (Historical / Present)
39. Valerie Harms
40. Matt Todd
41. Molly (Restless Reader)
42. Dewey
43. Tara
44. Christine (She Reads Books)
45. bethany (B&b ex libris)
46. Kara in CA
47. Elizabeth (Need More Shelves)
48. Elizabeth
49. Kim H
50. Linda Sawicki
51. David
52. Allen
53. Meghan
54. unfinishedperson (justareadingfool)
55. Kate V.
56. Mini
57. Dewey (my specific link, sorry)
58. Darcie (Reading Derby)
59. Athena
60. Ally
61. Kristi (Passion for the Page)
62. tracy
63. Malagueta
64. Jill (The Magic Lasso)
65. Marg
66. joanna
67. Nicola
68. Hope (Hope's Bookshelf)
69. Bobbi's Book Nook
70. Sycorax Pine
71. Lizzie
72. Mee
73. Kimmie
74. Jessica (The Bluestocking Society)
75. Juliann
76. alisonwonderland
77. tanabata
78. SueC
79. Robin
80. Krista
81. Lightheaded
82. Cath
83. Kelsey
84. BooksPlease
85. Rhinoa
86. Daniel
87. Janelle
88. gautami tripathy
89. Jan (Sweet Serentiy of Books
90. Corinne (Book Nest)
91. Terri B. (Tip of the Iceberg)
92. Erin
93. unfinishedperson @ Just A (Reading) Fool
94. Alice
95. Lesley (A Life in Books)
96. Framed
97. Quiltgranny Sharon
98. Kim in Rhode Island
99. Kim in Rhode Island
100. Anand Silodia
101. Teresa
102. Alisia (Book Haven)
103. diane
104. Mrs. V
105. Paige Dollinger
106. Ma Titwonky
107. Carra
108. Christy Helton
110. Vivek Tejuja
111. Kathleen
112. Rebecca
113. Kristi in Illinois
114. Nise'
115. Beanie
116. Leya (Wandeca Reads)
117. Kathy
118. Leila
119. M
120. Annie
121. kathie1215
122. Katie
123. LibraryGirl
124. Becks Chan
125. Cynthia Fellowes
126. Rebecca @ Readerville
127. KC
128. Lourdes
129. Jane Hotchkiss
130. Debbie
131. scard
132. JulieDC
133. Brooke (Brooke's Book Blog)
134. Rebecca (The Book Lady's Blog)
135. Lake Oz Fic Chick
136. Alyce (At Home With Books)
137. Bee
138. Ke Li-An
139. Sara
140. Tiny Librarian (Hotel Du Lac)
141. Tricia (Library Queue)
142. Connie
143. Connie
144. Teddy
145. (Judy) Intergalactic Bookworm
146. Jess (mango missives)
147. Gina
148. Gina
149. Kristi in Illinois
150. Gracie
151. J
152. cheryl eash
153. Sanddancer
154. Peter at Flashlight Worthy
155. Popin
156. Michele
157. Ivyco
158. Pezeke
159. Carmen
160. Sheri (A Novel Menagerie)
161. Jenny
162. Jaime (Confessions of a Bibliophile)
163. Lauren (Reading Comes From Writing)
164. Sandra
165. Random Train of Thought
166. Cath (Mister Pip)
167. Nely S.
168. Joseph
169. clara
170. Jackie (Farm Lane Books)
171. Lauren (Water for Elephants)
172. lupingirl
173. DeSeRt RoSe
174. Terren Woodfin
175. DeSeRt RoSe
176. K
177. Grain de Beaute
178. Karen
179. Steven Teasdale
180. Rebecca @ The Book Lady's Blog (The Time Traveler's Wife)
181. Callista (SMS Book Reviews)
182. Bellezza
183. suzanne
184. Silvana
185. Susan Whelan
186. akagracie
187. Lisa Hill
188. debnance
189. margo
190. k
191. Callista (SMS Book Reviews)
192. Matt
193. Cecile
194. Kristi (books and needlepoint)
195. Rebecca
196. TheChicGeek
197. Briony
198. Lillian
199. Rema
200. Nebz
201. Nan
202. Antonia

Powered by... Mister Linky's Magical Widgets.


    Yay! Another challenge! I really enjoyed the last and look forward to this one too!

    This one sounds great - just wondering if other awards are eligible or just the ones listed in the sidebar?

    On May 22, 2008 at 2:04 AM Anonymous said...

    Now I can start fresh and not worry about the deadline. I am getting too crazy here with the challenges! Judy

    I'm new to these challenges. Is there a way to remind us when the challenge starts?

    My posibilites are posted here:

    This is my second reading challenge, and I'm really looking forward to it! Now I'm off to get my list started...

    I'm so glad you're hosting this one again! Thank you! Gives me a chance to redeem myself...I don't think I've got a chance of finishing up this year's in time :(

    Will the format be the same--with us posting our reviews on the actual site, or will there be a mister linky each month like the 1% well-read challenge? I'm most likely in. :)

    Thanks for hosting this again, Michelle! I'm still working on this years (only 4 more to go, but I have 4 weeks ;>)). Lots of false starts this year. I think the new rules this year will help with that - it forces me to put more variety in the list (which is good ;>)). OK, off to work on my list. I'll be back later to sign up with Mr. Linky.

    On May 22, 2008 at 10:30 PM Anonymous said...

    Cool challenge! Think I've got it figured:

    Pulitzer - The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
    Booker - Moon Tiger
    " - Staying On
    " - The Conservationist
    " - Possession
    Orange - On Beauty
    Commonwealth Writers - Mr. Pip
    Miles Franklin - Oscar & Lucinda
    Nobel - William Golding
    Pen/Faulkner - Mao II

    I'm so glad your hosting this challenge again Michelle! I wasn't ab;e to participate in the last one. Thanks so much!

    Looking forward to this challenge! Now the search for the books begins... :) !!!
    Lisa :)

    tinylittlelibrarian - other awards are eligible. Use your judgment.

    Trish, blog contributors will still be able to post on the blog. If we get 100+, though, I'll set up a Mr. Linky as blogger only allows 100 contributors per blog.

    Hey Michelle, could you delete my first link to Mr. Linky (#18) as I linked to the wrong post...the second one is correct :) Thanks!

    My first challenge!

    I'm not sure of my list, but it will probably have a Pulitzer, a Hugo, a Newbery, and maybe a Nebula on it. I"ll have to see what else I like...

    I've joined! You create such irresistible ones, 3M! Now I have to go choose the awards (and you picked fun ones! Hurrah! not just deadly serious ones...) and then the books....that's half the fun! The other half is reading them, and then crossing them off the list!!!! I'll let you know when I've chosen my list...

    Since I did the last one unofficially, I thought I'd go official this time. Plus I have a whole list of more award winners I never got around to reading so... Don't know which ones I'll choose yet though.

    I'm looking forward to this challenge.

    What an excellent way to bring readers together through your blog!

    I kept wishing I had joined in for Book Awards I, so I'm really glad you decided to do it again! Thanks very much for hosting this.

    I don't like doing book reports, but I do like to read, so I'm in for the second round! I'm one book away from finishing Book Awards Challenge I, so should be done in time.
    Thanks for hosting this wonderful challenge.

    Ooh, so excited about this challenge! I'm really looking forward to the start!

    On May 27, 2008 at 9:52 PM Anonymous said...

    Hi, everyone! I've never really participated in this type of challenge before. I can't wait to do this with everyone!

    The temptation was too great. I'm in.

    On May 28, 2008 at 11:35 PM Anonymous said...

    Here are my selections:

    On May 31, 2008 at 11:09 AM Anonymous said...

    I had so much fun creating my list! Who knew there were so many literary awards out there?

    Oops, sorry, I didn't leave my specific link. I'll correct that as soon as that post goes up. It's written, just not posted yet.

    I am signing up again even though I only got halfway through my list last year. I have a renewed spark though and will be working on my list over the next month or so.

    I am getting hooked on challenges! Thanks for this, I look forward to it.

    This sounds great. I posted a list of choices - now I just have to decide which ones to read!

    On June 3, 2008 at 4:33 AM Anonymous said...

    This sounds like a fantastic idea. I've posted a tentative list of novels, but knowing me I could easily change my mind. It's my first go at a reading challenge, so be kind! :) LOL

    Just found your blog and the challenge! Sounds like fun to me! Count me in!

    On June 6, 2008 at 3:24 AM Anonymous said...

    I am really excited about this challenge. I am starting my own challenge in July but this sounds facinating and I amlooking forward what everyone else decides to read. The hard part is to decide what books to read.

    Can't wait to start this challenge!! I am finally going to read some of my TBR pile that keeps growing!!!

    Because I signed up in Dec. '07 I don't believe I qualify for any prizes but I did finish & read 12 award winning books, the reviews of which can be read on my blog at
    This is for the period 7/1/07 - 6/30/08

    Thanks so much for hosting this.

    This challenge looks like fun!

    On June 17, 2008 at 8:23 PM Anonymous said...

    Great challenge! I'll be reading some books I've wanted to read for years!

    I'm looking forward to this. Will give the choices some thought over the weekend and come up with a list. Thanks for hosting!

    On June 21, 2008 at 8:47 PM Anonymous said...

    Great challenge, I will be posting my choices this week for weekly geeks challenge roundup:)thanks for hosting!

    Happy to jump on this challenge. I'll be posting my selections on my blog soon.

    I hope it's okay that I added an award category that's not listed on the site: The Book Sense Book of the Year.

    Thanks for hosting again!

    I've got a sneaky question :-)

    Can the Newbery Medal and the Newbery Honor be counted as two different awards?

    Oh goody! Another book challenge! I have just recently started doing book challenges and I'm addicted. I devour books whole!

    What a neat challenge! Thanks. :)

    I missed out on this challenge first time around, so I'm anxious to participate!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

    This is my very first challenge and I'm excited to try it.

    I missed this challenge last year, so I'm looking forward to it this year! Thanks, Michelle!

    On July 9, 2008 at 8:57 PM Anonymous said...

    I'm excited. This is my first reading challenge. :)

    I've put up a pool this time around! I enjoyed reading the first time save that I mostly picked the books outside the list I originally made :)

    My first time with this challenge. Really looking forward to it.

    I posted my wrap-up late (oops!) but had fun doing this one and am looking forward to it this coming year as well.

    On July 11, 2008 at 5:38 AM Anonymous said...

    Oh go on then, sign me up for another 10 months!

    It's my first time too with this challenge. I've posted my list and am looking forward to a good read.

    I'm so excited for this challenge!!!

    On July 14, 2008 at 2:06 AM Anonymous said...

    I'm afraid I'm becoming challenge addicted...but I could quit if I wanted to (I just don't want to!)

    I started a new blog for my books and re-registered as #91. You can delete me under my quilt blog which is # 35. Thanks and looking forward to the challenge!

    I signed up before I had a list/post, so my link on Mr. Linky just goes to my blog rather than the post. I'm #63 on the Mr. Linky as Terri B. (Tip of the Iceberg). I have a post up now if the link can be changed.

    This looks great! Award winners always give me something to think about.

    This looks great! Award winners always give me something to think about.

    as always, a day late and a dollar short, but here I am. If it's too late, I will still participate (outside your blog). It really opened up my reading list with the last one! Thanks!

    On July 23, 2008 at 5:01 AM Anonymous said...

    Just stumbled upon this site... Looking forward to the exciting challenge :))

    On July 23, 2008 at 9:35 AM Anonymous said...

    Nice challenge! I've got lots of award winners on my shelf, so this is a god one for me.

    I am so excited that I heard about this. It will be so much fun!

    I made it through the last challenge but neglected to post my necessary reviews. I did, however, enjoy the challenge very much and will be continuing in this one. I think I'm too late to post on this blog, so I'll post reviews on my own. Gotta read those directions again. Thanks for continuing this -- I love this challenge, and it fits in nicely with the challenges I do at Shelfari.

    I started but never completed the first challenge due to moving, I think I deserve another chance!

    Hi - this is my first challenge! Any words of wisdom?

    On August 3, 2008 at 12:52 PM Anonymous said...

    New here. I'd love suggestions on great award winning books that aren't so dense that they just drain me but rather inspire, illuminate, uplift or challenge me - in content and in my comfort zone.

    I know as Stephen King once shared, you have to "invest in a book" when you read (as in be willing to tolerate slow starts) for the reward of profound reading.

    I am tired of best sellers that I know the ending early on because they are so formulaic, predictable and a rip off. So I thought I'd jump in :)

    Signing up 8/3/08. Hope it's not too late.

    Hi Michelle,

    I've just realized that I am no longer signed up on the book awards challenge blog. I think I may have deleted myself some time ago.

    I guess it's too late now to get back on. You're probably filled to the max by now. Since I'm not on the blog will the posts on my own blog officially count towards the challenge?

    Sounds like fun. I can always use another challenge! :D

    On August 5, 2008 at 9:13 PM Anonymous said...

    I'm excited about this, but I'm not sure if I know how to post my reviews. Of course, I haven't even started any of the books yet, so I have a little time to figure it out.

    On August 6, 2008 at 6:10 PM Anonymous said...

    Hi, I just joined, and my post about the challenge is here:

    On August 8, 2008 at 7:36 AM Anonymous said...

    I tried to create a link, but it keeps saying I don't have a blogger account, so I'm leaving this as a comment instead.

    On August 8, 2008 at 7:39 AM Anonymous said...

    bermudaonion = 117. Kathy

    Don't know what I am going to read yet, but I'll let you know.

    On August 10, 2008 at 2:53 PM Anonymous said...

    I'd like to participate in this challenge. How do I list the books that I want to commit to reading? My email address is If someone could contact me with information I would appreciate it. I don't have my own blog.



    I am, oh-so late, but I can do it!
    I'm up for the challenge. And this will be one of my first reading/blogger challenges, but I'm excited.

    On August 14, 2008 at 8:50 PM Anonymous said...

    I was previously registered as Rebecca @ Readerville, but I've had to close that blog due to trademark issues I wasn't aware of. Please cancel that link, as I've re-signed up with a link to my new blog . thanks

    On August 15, 2008 at 3:47 PM Anonymous said...

    I'm late, too, but count me in. Great challenge!

    Oh my God I'm so excited about doing this challenge. I am, and always have been, a complete 'read-a-holic' but am only just discovering how many other book obsessives are out there. Hooray for all of you! Bee.

    I'm late, but I am going to do it too! I just found it so what the helk, I'm up for the challenge!

    Dang, sorry - I'm the worst Mr Linky-er, meant to post in the August reviews, sorry.

    On August 20, 2008 at 7:27 PM Anonymous said...

    Cool. My first book challenge. :)

    BTW, I'm 143. I messed up my url in 142, forgot the dash between the two words. Oops.

    I could have swarn I did the Mr. Linky thing back in May, but I just went and checked and didn't see my name. I did a post back in May. LOL. Anyway, problem resolved and I updated my post with books I intend to read.

    I'm not sure where you want us to post links to our finished books. Here's my my 1st:

    On September 3, 2008 at 3:11 PM Anonymous said...

    I'm in (thanks to Sycoraxpine's blog). See my list at

    Hello. Signing up a bit late, but looking forward to the challenge.

    On September 7, 2008 at 12:39 PM Anonymous said...

    My list is up at

    I expect I will be reconsidering my choices through the challenge period, especially as I read other participants' lists and reviews.
    Thanks for hosting this challenge

    My list is up and I'm ready to go! My selections are at

    On September 12, 2008 at 3:43 PM Anonymous said...

    Awesome challenge, thanks for starting it.

    On September 12, 2008 at 10:50 PM Anonymous said...

    My very first book challenge... Cool! Thanks for hosting!

    On September 22, 2008 at 12:54 AM Anonymous said...

    Hi. OK... I'm signed up and have added you link and button to my site: I did a Nobel Prize book in August... can I still post that as one of my five? Please let me know!


    On September 26, 2008 at 10:11 PM Anonymous said...

    I have written a post today which includes my August and September books for the Challenge! I did the pingback to your site and added the button on my site!

    Anything else I need to do for the challenge?

    On September 26, 2008 at 10:12 PM Anonymous said...

    Oops, forgot the link.

    Finally, a book challenge that doesn't end soon. I can do this one as I keep tract of prize winners on my blog and at LibraryThing already. Thank you.

    On October 5, 2008 at 3:58 PM Anonymous said...

    I love this! I really enjoyed the last and look forward to the next one but i have a question...Will the format be the same? with us posting our reviews on the actual site?

    I guess I'm starting a little late, but I can't turn down a challenge. I'm actually a newbie at these challenges but I'm excited about it. I'll be posting my list up shortly.

    This is really my first time doing challenges but I'm sure it will be fun. I just have a simple question - where do i post my list and reviews once I'm done reading the books. My site or somewhere else? It's not very clear on that. Please advise. Thanks.

    On October 20, 2008 at 11:59 AM Anonymous said...

    Hi Nely! You can post on your own site, or if you'd like to publish on this site, send me an email at 3m.michelle at gmail and I'll send you an invite for this group.


    On October 26, 2008 at 6:22 PM Anonymous said...

    excited to start this challenge (a little late)

    This sounds like a great challenge! I'm excited to join if I still can (also a little late)!

    Can I join?? I know I'm late but can I??

    You can still join! If you'd like to be added to the blog, email me at 3m.michelle att gmail. com

    On November 23, 2008 at 4:00 AM Anonymous said...

    Another challenge for me. ^_^ I'll be participating on this one.

    On December 2, 2008 at 1:48 PM Anonymous said...

    Whoops! Meant to post the link to my Time Traveler's Wife review on the Linky below and accidentally stuck it here in # 103...please remove.

    On December 5, 2008 at 12:05 PM Anonymous said...

    ok, I have a question here,
    are the nominees also counted here?

    This is a great opportunity to read and know more about literature in general. I am sorry I discovered so late!!

    On December 21, 2008 at 11:27 PM Anonymous said...

    Joining up a bit late, but I can't resist a book challenge!
    Lisa Hill, Melbourne, Australia

    I'd like to try this one for 2009.

    Please delete #23 (or disregard it anyway) as I've moved where my challenge posts are. I signed up with the new url.

    Everybody, Don't forget the Lambda Literary Awards!

    On January 7, 2009 at 10:03 AM Anonymous said...

    I see I'm late, as usual, but 10 books in about 5 months - hell, who needs sleep anyway when there's books to read?

    Hi, There's no Mr Linky for the Jan '09 reviews


    Please remove 149 above - I had linked to just my blog and not my specific site for this challenge. I have changed that.

    Sorry for extra work - was new to all this back then and am figuring it out as I go!


    I like this idea. I like challenges. Thanks for the new one!

    Fabulous challenge! I'm in!

    On January 16, 2009 at 1:15 AM Anonymous said...

    I'm late, too, but very excited about this! This is my very first challenge. : )

    On January 19, 2009 at 6:03 PM Anonymous said...

    Well, at least I'm not the only person jumping in halfway through. I'm looking forward to this!

    On February 25, 2009 at 1:16 PM Anonymous said...

    This sounds like such a great challenge and a way to find some great books. I hope it's okay that I'm joining so late.


    This was my first reading challenge and I've completed it! Here's my link to all my book reviews:
    Success: the Book Awards II

    I'm done! :-) Thanks for hosting, this was great fun! My wrap-up post is here:

    I am done! Here is a link to my wrap up post with links to my reviews!

    I am looking forward to next February when the next one begins!

    I finished the challenge. Here is my Wrap-up post:

    Here is my wrap up - I only got 8 out of 10 read!

    Finished here's link to my blog.

    I finished this challenge before 6/1/09 & here's what I read:
    Booker - Moon Tiger - Penelope Lively (1987) 7/21/08 - 8/3/08
    Pulitzer for 2009 - Olive Kitteridge - Elizabeth Strout (5/5/09 - 5/30/09)
    Booker - The Conservationist - Nadine Gordimer (1974) (12/22/08 - 1/10/08)
    Booker - The Gathering - Anne Enright (2007) (8/18/08 - 8/26/08)
    Orange - On Beauty - Zadie Smith (2006) (7/30/08 - 8/18/08)
    Commonwealth Writers - Mr. Pip - Lloyd Jones (2007) (1/11/09 - 1/26/09)
    Pen/Faulkner - Mao II - Don DeLillo (1992) 11/14/08 - 11/23/08
    Booker - Possession - A. S. Byatt (1990) 8/4/08 - 9/8/08)
    Booker - The Line of Beauty - Alan Hollinghurst (2004) (7/21/08 - 8/4/08)
    National Book Award - The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen (9/9/08 - 9/28/08)
    Newbery - Shiloh - Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (year?) (10/23/08 - 10/26/08)
    Chicago Tribune Heartland Prize - The Things They Carried - Tim O’Brien (1/27/09 - 1/30/09)

    Loved doing it and appreciate all the work put into posting and keeping this blog up-to-date!

    yay! Jan (in Edmonds)