August '08 Reviews

1. Alice
2. Corinne (The Glass Castle)
3. Joy (The Spellman Files)
4. Alisia (The News from Paraguay)
5. Tara (B is for Burglar)
6. Jessica (The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao)
7. raidergirl3(Out Stealing Horses)
8. Lesley (Open Secrets)
9. Alice(Mariner\'s Compass)
10. Joy (Persepolis)
11. Mrs. V (The House of the Scorpion)
12. Teresa (Child 44)
13. Joy (B is for Burglar)
14. raidergirl3(Speaker for the Dead)
15. Elizabeth (The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher)
16. Robin (The Optimist\'s Daughter)
17. Robin (The Ghost\'s Grave)
18. Rebecca @ Readerville (The Handmaid\'s Tale)
19. raidergirl3(The Stone Diaries)
20. Ma Titwonky (Murder With Peacocks)
21. Rebecca-The Book Lady\'s Blog (The Handmaid\'s Tale)
22. Robin (Maus I: A Survivor\'s Tale)
23. Corinne (So Big)
24. Cath (Tamsin)
25. Rhinoa (The Complete Maus)
26. Joy (Flowers for Algernon)
27. Tiny Librarian (Hotel Du Lac)
28. Corinne (My Sister\'s Keeper)
29. Tricia (The Glass Castle)
30. Lightheaded (Story of O)
31. Alice(The Mandelbaum Gate)
32. Corinne (Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress)
33. Tricia (The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas)
34. Robin (Esperanza Rising)
35. Juliann (The Book Thief)
36. Wendy (Maus I & II)
37. Rhinoa (A Wrinkle in Time)
38. Ma Titwonky (The Defection Of A J Lewinter)
39. Sanddancer (Stuart: A Life Backwards)
40. Teddy (Divisadero)
41. Callista (Fahrenheit 451)
42. Callista (To Kill a Mockingbird)
43. Lesley (The End of the Alphabet)

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    On August 14, 2008 at 8:51 PM Anonymous said...

    I posted a review of The Handmaid's Tale (link #18) from my blog at Readerville, which I've had to close due to trademark issues I was previously unaware of. Please delete that link, as I've added a new one to my new blog.


    Hi Michelle, I've posted 3 reviews with Mr. Linky, however, I don't see my name on the list of contributors or participants, so I hope it's okay that I'm going ahead with my Challenge reading and reviewing! Please let me know if there's something that I missed or should have done in signing up. Thanks!